November 06, 2011

Airsoft and Filming

Hey there everyone!

My laptop is still getting repaired, so I've been trying to get most of my work done on this Ubuntu server I have.  Oh well, I've been able to get by so far.

But, some good news: I've been saving up some money for a while and I finally decided to spend it on an Airsoft Sniper Rifle.  Specifically the one linked to on the right over there.  I went with the camouflaged one since I figured "why the hell not?"  Still need to get a scope for, but in the mean time, I attached an extra red dot sight I had laying around.

Katelyn is still editing together the footage from the little action skit we filmed (which you can read about here).  Hopefully it'll turn out alright and we'll film some more.  In the mean time, I'm going to practice taking different camera angles with a cheap camera I forgot I had.

Check out the up and coming movie we will be making at Idea Birth called Flames of Redfield.


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