This took forever to get up online. Here's the quick story:
My computer stopped working today after I managed to render the video of my making this page. Luckily I use Dropbox and external drives for most of my important projects, so not much was lost. Hopefully I'll find the extended warranty receipt I have for the laptop. I'll try and get the hard drive copied and get a new computer ASAP. I don't know how this will affect tomorrow's comic. I'll try to get GIMP installed on my server computer and get it drawn, but I can't promise anything. Sorry.
So, yeah, that's the story of that. Man, today was a busy day. I also have a video for you guys of me drawing this comic:
But wait, there's more!
Katelyn, Ryan and I have been working on a movie idea for quite some time now, and we are hoping to get it funded through Kickstarter, so look out for that! Here's the website for the movie: .
So yeah, there's been a lot going on today. And I have a physics test today after I wake up... so that will be fun in a sort of sadistic way. See ya' tomorrow!
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