1. Prove that n is odd iff n2 is odd.
Assume n is odd, then it can be written as k : n=2k+1, and n2=(2k+1)2 = 4k2+4k+1 is odd.
Assume n2 is odd, then assume that n is even. Since n is even, it can be written such that k : n = 2k. n2=4k2which is even. But that contradicts that n2is odd, then n must be odd.
2. Let A, B be sets. Prove that A-B = AB.
By definition, A-B = AB = AB.
3. Prove or disprove the following statement: “an undirected graph of n nodes and n edges contains a cycle.”
Look into generalizing the problem.
4. If an algorithm A calls an algorithm B with a complexity of calls O(f(n)), and algorithm B has itself a complexity of O(g(n)), which is the overall combined complexity?
5. If a C-language function functionA() has a complexity of O(f(n)) and functionB() has a complexity of O(g(n)), what is the complexity of functionA(functionB())?
O(f(n) + g(n))
6. What is the complexity, in Big-O notation, of variable assignments of the following code?
k = 1;
do {
j = n;
do {
j = j/2;
} while ( j < 1);
} while (k < n);
O(n + ln n) =O(n)
7. Consider an arbitrary binary tree where each node is programmed as a C-struct node { int key; struct node * left; struct node * right;} Write a recursive function sum() that when called on the tree’s root, ie. sum(root), it returns the sum of all keys in the leaves of the tree. You may use C-like pseudocode. What is your algorithm’s worst case complexity, in Big-O notation?
function sum(struct node * n) {
if (n==NULL) return 0;
else if (node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL) {
return node->key;
} else {
return sum(node->left) + sum(node->right);
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