The song is filled with unoriginal cliches of "edgy" song writing and sounds. The song is modeled after the genre of music called dubstep: containing digitized sounds, "wubs" and the infamous drop. The song sports a lifeless, cold, and boner-killing lady that comments on how the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics makes our society... and then a dubstepping robot steps up and wubs "UNSUSTAINABLE."
Did you get it? Did you?! Muse used science to show us that our society is wrong!
Ooooo how edgy, how bold. How can we make even more bold?! THROW IN SOME VIDEO OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE AND TANKS AND SHIT.
This shit isn't bold. This isn't edgy. This shit is a weak and watered down version of what a band thinks is edgy and will sell albums. What do people like these days? They like hating politics and love loving dubstep. LET'S JUST SHOVE THAT SHIT INTO ONE SONG AND CALL IT A DAY.
But enough yelling, let me explain why I hate this song.
First off it's boring. The song is clearly trying everything in its power to change a boring political message into something people will want to listen to. There's an orchestra playing sixteenth notes at a fast tempo. The best part of the song is the first 30 seconds before all the shit gets in the way of the strings and soft chorus. The strings become so overpowered by all the other elements that they have no room to breath. There's a chorus, horns, and a bunch of other shit in the way.
And then the vocals begin. The vocals are so dull, boring, and stupid that it I almost couldn't finish the song. A lifeless woman starts talking about the second law of thermodynamics it a monotone voice that's computerized to hell.
And then a compturized shit starts dubstepping around like a child on crack. I'm not even kidding you. The computer starts singing in a stupid voice (and all it says is "UNSUSTAINABLE"), flopping around on the screen like a limp dick. This is what killed the song for me. I'm not one who loves dubstep, but I appreciate it. I've listened to hours of it and I know good dubstep from bad dubstep. And let me put it this way: this song is bad dubstep.
There is so much that is wrong with this song: from the so-called edgy lyrics and imagery, to the horrible attempt at what is clearly supposed to be dubstep.
But many people will defend Muse and their pile of shit by saying things like: