The so-called Career Fiesta by ASU was hosted in the Memorial Union this week from Tuesday to Thursday (Sept 18 - Sept 20, 2012), and unexpectedly was a huge disappointment. The Career Fiesta was boasted to be "the largest job and internship fair on the Tempe campus" (ASU Career Services). What they should have said was that it's the largest worst jobs and internships fair on the Tempe campus.
The Career Fiesta should have been called Careers You Don't Want To See Yourself Working At Ever Period (or CYDWTSYWAEP for short). The range of sported careers at the job fair were jobs in the Military and internships at companies like Axosoft and Ameriprise. What they hell do those companies even do?
Axosoft: We make software that helps you do great things.
Ameriprise: Keeping the American Dream alive since 1894.
So Axosoft makes some sort of software and Ameriprise keeps dreams alive. Way to go you two at having some of the most generic slogans ever. This is the best that ASU could get to come to the career fair? Where were the big hitters? Where were Google, Microsoft, GM, Intel, or IBM? Where were the companies that people REALLY want to work for? What about CERN or something? This job fair was a waste of every one's time. Fuck, Panda Express was even at the job fair. Panda Express. This was pathetic.
Sadly, I missed the first day of the career fair since it was on a Tuesday. Who the fuck plans these fucking things? Why is the career fair in the middle of the week in the middle of the day? That's when most people have things like CLASS and WORK. Idiots.
Tuesday had some pretty good businesses at the fair: Apple, Amazon, Boeing, and Honeywell. But I only had time for the career fair on Wednesday and Thursday. And let me tell you, those days were filled with the worst of the worst: Target, some clothing company, and a bunch of businesses that sound fake. The only good one was Dell, and they didn't even have an engineering representative there.
All in all, the ASU Career Fiesta was pretty terrible for people that have any type of skill. If you're looking for an internship that requires little to no skill in any major fields, then the ASU Career Fiesta is for you!
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